Without Telegram. Blockchain platform Free TON has started distribution of its tokens

The developers of the alternative version of Pavel Durov's project organized three contests, for participation in which you can get the cryptocurrency TON Crystals The Free TON project, based on Pavel Durov's blockchain platform Telegram …

The developers of the alternative version of Pavel Durov's project organized three contests, for participation in which you can get the cryptocurrency TON Crystals

The Free TON project, based on Pavel Durov's blockchain platform Telegram Open Network, announced on its official forum the start of the distribution of its cryptocurrency. TON Crystals tokens will be distributed among the developers and users of the platform in three competitions. They started today, May 18, and will last until May 25.

Two competitions are aimed at developers, they are invited to create solutions to improve the operation of the Free Ton blockchain. The third task is to come up with the most optimal way to airdrop TON Crystals tokens. It should include the following points:

  • the signature of the "Declaration on Decentralization";
  • subscription to two telegram channels belonging to the project;
  • Free Ton promotion;
  • protection from bots and fake accounts.

The best offer will receive a reward of 30 thousand TON Crystals tokens. Within the framework of each competition, it is planned to distribute from 70 thousand to 100 thousand coins. The choice of the best solution will be chosen by a jury, whose members will also receive an award in the project's cryptocurrency.

An alternative version of the main Telegram Open Network called Free TON went live on May 7. The launch was organized by independent developers, major validators and other participants, but without Pavel Durov. Later, he announced the completion of work on the TON platform, and also urged not to trust his funds and personal data to other projects that use the Telegram name for promotion.

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